Monday, April 2, 2012

Intimacy ... a poem (Part 1 of The Detox Trilogy)

(part 1 of The Detox Trilogy)

Your full lips on my forehead
our lingering embrace
drinking pinot noir from coffee mugs
sitting on your knee
lengthy late-night conversations 
your long blinkless stare straight through me
three soft kisses at the nape of my neck
in the dark
your fingers tangled, tugging at my curly kinks
a tickle fight on my bedroom floor
eskimo kisses in your front yard
cuddling that never led to sex
listening to your tales of Ghana
my pet name, Abena
your rants about injustices at work
and in the world
your passionate musings about your next creative project
the story of your mother's illness
the story of yours 
your abstract painting that hangs framed on my wall
waking up the day after Christmas in your arms
your nephew's tears when I had to leave
and what became your final prayer of thanksgiving

What we had was intimacy.
But intimacy sans commitment leads to disappointment
and is the bloated stomach of a malnourished body--
Painfully empty.


1 comment:

  1. "They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered."
    ~F. Scott Fitzgerald
