Sunday, January 15, 2012

Our Sun ... a poem

Our Sun
~for David

Your light shined here on Earth
as bright as the sun at daybreak,
pure white light rising
over mountains of hardship,
not once, but twice victorious.

At high noon, you rose above
Life's stormy clouds,
warmed our hearts with hugs,
and calmed our spirits with sound advice.

In the afternoon, your smile beamed
Rays of laughter
into our otherwise routine days.
We will never forget your laugh.

In the evening time, you still remained,
and never set or left us alone.
Instead, your words of love
and comfort, fun and games,
covered us through moonless nights
and inspired our dreams.

We love you, David; you are our Sun–
a beaming soul of fiery love.
As you hover above
and sit at the right hand of the Son,
please continue to shine on us.

We'll take your gift,
your endless strength,
and share it with a grateful world.

~Courtney D. Ware

**a dedication to my friend and "lil brother" David celebration of his life, his strength, and his memory, that will live on in the lives of the loved ones he left behind. As my mother always says, "If the dead know what the living are doing..." watch over us, D; be our angel. Intercede to God on our behalf. I thank God that you do not have to deal with the struggles of this world any longer. Tell Celeste that I love her and miss her dearly. ~David Joseph Cummings, R.I.P. 9/26/86 - 6/21/08**

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